Fragility of plasma membranes in Saccharomyces cerevisiae enriched with different sterols


Hossack J A,Rose A H


Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC 366, grown under strictly anaerobic conditions to induce requirements for an unsaturated fatty acid (supplied by Tween 80) and a sterol, contained free sterol fractions enriched to the extent of 67 to 93% with the exogenously supplied sterol (campesterol, cholesterol, 7-dehydrocholesterol, 22, 23-dihydrobrassicasterol, beta-sitosterol, or stigmasterol). Cells enriched in any one of the sterols did not differ in volume, growth rate, contents of free sterol, esters and phospholipids, or phospholipid composition. Cholesterol-enriched cells contained about 2% more lipid than cells enriched in any of the other sterols, which was largely accounted for by increased contents of triacylglycerols and, to a lesser extent, esterified sterols. Phospholipids were enriched to the extent of about 52 to 63% with C18:1 residues. Cells enriched in ergosterol or stigmasterol were slightly less susceptible to the action of a wall-digesting basidiomycete glucanase than cells enriched with any one of the other sterols. The capacity of the plasma membrane to resist stretching, as indicated by the stability and volume of spheroplasts suspended in hypotonic solutions of buffered sorbitol (particularly in the range 0.9 to 0.7 M), was greater with spheroplasts enriched in sterols with an unsaturated side chain at C17 (ergosterol or stigmasterol) than with any of the other sterols. Plasma membranes were obtained from spheroplasts enriched in cholesterol or stigmasterol and had free sterol fractions containing 70 and 71%, respectively, of the sterol supplied exogenously to the cells. The sterol-phospholipid molar ratios in these membranes were, respectively, 1:7 and 1:8.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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