Characterization of Plasmids in Extensively Drug-Resistant Acinetobacter Strains Isolated in India and Pakistan


Jones Lim S.,Carvalho Maria J.,Toleman Mark A.,White P. Lewis,Connor Thomas R.,Mushtaq Ammara,Weeks Janis L.,Kumarasamy Karthikeyan K.,Raven Katherine E.,Török M. Estée,Peacock Sharon J.,Howe Robin A.,Walsh Timothy R.


ABSTRACTTheblaNDM-1gene is associated with extensive drug resistance in Gram-negative bacteria. This probably spread toEnterobacteriaceaefromAcinetobacterspp., and we characterized plasmids associated withblaNDM-1inAcinetobacterspp. to gain insight into their role in this dissemination. Four clinical NDM-1-producingAcinetobacterspecies strains from India and Pakistan were investigated. A plasmid harboringblaNDM-1, pNDM-40-1, was characterized by whole-genome sequencing ofAcinetobacter bereziniaeCHI-40-1 and comparison with related plasmids. The presence of similar plasmids in strains from Pakistan was sought by PCR and sequencing of amplicons. Conjugation frequency was tested and stability of pNDM-40-1 investigated by real-time PCR of isolates passaged with and without antimicrobial selection pressure.A. bereziniaeandAcinetobacter haemolyticusstrains contained plasmids similar to the pNDM-BJ01-like plasmids identified inAcinetobacterspp. in China. The backbone of pNDM-40-1 was almost identical to that of pNDM-BJ01-like plasmids, but the transposon harboringblaNDM-1, Tn125, contained two short deletions.Escherichia coliandAcinetobacterpittiitransconjugants were readily obtained. Transconjugants retained pNDM-40-1 after a 14-day passage experiment, although stability was greater with meropenem selection. Fragments of pNDM-BJ01-like plasmid backbones are found nearblaNDM-1in some genetic contexts fromEnterobacteriaceae, suggesting that cross-genus transfer has occurred. pNDM-BJ01-like plasmids have been described in isolates originating from a wide geographical region in southern Asia.In vitrodata on plasmid transfer and stability suggest that these plasmids could have contributed to the spread ofblaNDM-1intoEnterobacteriaceae.


American Society for Microbiology


Infectious Diseases,Pharmacology (medical),Pharmacology







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