Transduction of plasmid DNA in Streptomyces spp. and related genera by bacteriophage FP43


McHenney M A1,Baltz R H1


1. Department of Molecular Genetics, Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, Indiana 46285.


A segment (hft) of bacteriophage FP43 DNA cloned into plasmid pIJ702 mediated high-frequency transduction of the resulting plasmid (pRHB101) by FP43 in Streptomyces griseofuscus. The transducing particles contained linear concatemers of plasmid DNA. Lysates of FP43 prepared on S. griseofuscus containing pRHB101 also transduced many other Streptomyces species, including several that restrict plaque formation by FP43 and at least two that produce restriction endonucleases that cut pRHB101 DNA. Transduction efficiencies in different species were influenced by the addition of anti-FP43 antiserum to the transduction plates, the temperature for cell growth before transduction, the multiplicity of infection, and the host on which the transducing lysate was prepared. FP43 lysates prepared on S. griseofuscus(pRHB101) also transduced species of Streptoverticillium, Chainia, and Saccharopolyspora.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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