Minicell production and bacteriophage superinducibility of thymidine-requiring strains of Haemophilus influenzae


Sedgwick B,Setlow J K,Boling M E,Allison D P


Aminopterin- or trimethoprin-resistant thymidine-requiring strains of Haemophilus influenzae produce minicells, and the ratio of minicells to cells increases during the stationary phase of growth. Strain LB11, isolated after mutagenesis of a thymidine-requiring strain (Rd thd), produces more minicells than the parent strain. The mutations involved in high frequency minicell production have been transferred into the wild type (strain Rd) by transformation. The thymidine requirement in the resulting strain, MCl, is essential for minicell production, since spontaneous revertants of MCl to prototrophy do not produce minicells. The ratio of minicells to cells was increased more than 10(3)-fold by differential centrifugation. The minicells contain little or no deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Phage HPlcl apparently cannot attach to minicells. Competent cells of LB11 and its thymidine-requiring parent strain produce defective phage as a result of exposure to transforming DNA, whereas only LB11 produces many defective phage in response to the competence regime alone. Competent HP1c1 and S2 lysogens of MC1 and Rd thd are also superinducible by transforming DNA, but competent LB11 lysogens produced about the same amount of HP1c1 or S2 phage with or without exposure to transforming DNA possibly because of competition between the induced defective phage and Hp1c1 or S2 phage.


American Society for Microbiology


Molecular Biology,Microbiology

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