Ślady ajurwedy w dziewiętnastowiecznej medycynie polskiej: kazus szpitali cholerycznych w Warszawie i Poznaniu w latach 1831 i 1866


Magowska Anita1ORCID


1. Karol Marcinkowski University of Medical Sciences in Poznań


Elements of Ayurveda in nineteenthcentury Polish medicine: the case of cholera hospitals in Warsaw and Poznań in 1831 and 1866 The article contributed to the history of translational medicine and presents the transfer of elements of the Ayurvedic treatment of cholera to the medical practice in Poland in the 19th century, carried out through Western European doctors. Special attention is paid to the role played in this process by foreign physicians and surgeons working in Warsaw hospitals during the November Uprising. Their education, medical experience and competence as regards cholera treatment were described, as well as the scientific research they carried out in Warsaw and their preferences for cholera treatment. It was demonstrated that the Hindu treatment regimen was accepted by colonial doctors and after some modifications disseminated in Europe. To assess the persistence of the treatment in Poland, the medications used in 1831 in Warsaw hospitals were compared with those administered to patients in the Poznan lazarette in 1866. The article is based on foreign doctors reports on the fight against cholera in 1831 in the Kingdom of Poland, as well as a unique report on the treatment of cholera at the Sisters of Charity Hospital in Poznan in 1866.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

Reference56 articles.

1. 1. Academy of Sciences in Paris, Cholera morbus, "The Journal of The Royal Institution of Great Britain" 1831, nr 4.

2. 2. Anderson W.S., An account of cholera morbus epidemica in India in 1817 and 1818, "The Edinburgh Medical and Surgical Journal" 1819.

3. 3. Arendt F.H., O epidemii cholery w Kłajpedzie w roku 1831, oprac. i wstęp M. Małłek-Grabowska, J. Małłek, tłum. T. Babnis, Olsztyn 2022.

4. 4. [Bez autora], Du cholera-morbus de Pologne; renseignemens sur cette maladie, recueillis par la Commission des Offi ciers de Santé Militaires, Paris 1852.

5. 5. Brière de Boismont A., Relation historique et médicale du choléramorbus de Pologne : comprenant l'apparition de la maladie, sa marche, ses progrès, ses symptômes, son mode de traitement et les moyens préservatifs, Paris 1832.

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