Terapia podczas pierwszej epidemii cholery w Warszawie w 1831 roku


Paliga Renata1ORCID


1. Pomeranian Medical University in Szczecin


The first cholera epidemic in Warsaw occurred during the November Uprising in April 1831. It was a disease unknown to Polish doctors. Answers to questions about etiology, properties (infectious – non-infectious) and effective methods of prevention and treatment were sought. The conditions of war and epidemics highlighted the organizational shortcomings of the health service and the shortage of doctors. Doctors from abroad came to the capital of the Kingdom of Poland to supplement the medical staff and learn about the unknown disease before it spreads to the entire European continent. The aim of the article is to present the methods of treating cholera in Warsaw during the first cholera epidemic and to emphasize its impact on the development of world medicine.


Uniwersytet Jagiellonski - Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego

Reference117 articles.

1. 1. Arendt F.H., O epidemii cholery w Kłajpedzie w roku 1831, oprac. i wstęp M. Małłek-Grabowska, J. Małłek, Archiwum Państwowe w Olsztynie, Olsztyn 2022.

2. 2. Bierkowski L., O cholerze, Inwentarz rękopisów Biblioteki Jagiellońskiej, 6001-7000, część 1, nr 6001-6500; https://polona.pl/preview/d842a138-5914-4ead-a540-91648bb39510.

3. 3. Brierre de Boismont A.J.F. Des premiers secours à donner aux personnes atteintes du choléra-morbus et des moyens préservatifs, G. Baillière, Paris 1832.

4. 4. Brierre de Boismont A.J.F., Relation historique et médicale du choléra-morbus de Pologne, comprenant l'apparition de la maladie, sa marche, ses progrès, ses symptômes, son mode de traitement et les moyens préservatifs, Paris 1832.

5. 5. Buchner J., Niektóre spostrzeżenia o cholerze tegorocznej, "Tygodnik Lekarski" 1852, r. 6, z. 33, s. 258.








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