1. Improvements of ADAM3 by Incorporating New Dust Emission Reduction Formulations Based on Real-Time MODIS NDVI
2. Chun, Y., Kim, J., Choi, J.-C., Shin, D.-S. (1999) The Characteristics of the Aerosol Number Concentration Observed in Seoul and Anmyondo During an Yellow Sand Phenomenon, Journal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment , 15(5), 575-586, (in Korean with English abstract).
3. Chun, Y., Kim, J., Boo, .K-O., Kim, N.-O. (2000) The Features Associated with the Yellow Sand Phenomenon Observed in Korea in Wintertime, Jorunal of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, 16(5), 487-497.
4. CUACE/Dust – an integrated system of observation and modeling systems for operational dust forecasting in Asia
5. The Intangible Assets of Korean Manufacturing Firms for Foreign Direct Investment