1. Changes in Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation One Year After KAS Implementation
2. Wilk A, Beck J, Kucheryavaya A: The Kidney Allocation System (KAS): The first two years. Presented at the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) Kidney Transplantation Committee, Richmond, Virginia, April 19, 2017
3. Calculating Life Years from Transplant (LYFT): Methods for Kidney and Kidney-Pancreas Candidates
4. Stewart D, Kucheryavaya A, Tyan D, Gebel H, Bray R, Turgeon N: Even with national sharing, the prospects of a 100% sensitized patient receiving a transplant vary dramatically depending on the precise CPRA value. Presented at the American Transplant Congress, Chicago, IL, April 30, 2017
5. Stewart D, Wilk A, Cherikh W, Harper A, Urban R, Klassen D, Edwards E: A new methodology for measuring and monitoring equity in access to deceased donor kidney transplants. Presented at the American Transplant Congress, Chicago, IL, May 1, 2017