


Civilna družba v demokratičnih državah zahteva, da so oborožene sile profesional- ne. Torej morajo oborožene sile teh družb imeti jasno predstavo o tem, kaj vojaška profesija sploh je. Predvsem pa morajo imeti jasno izoblikovano predstavo o tem, kakšen je profesionalni častnik, saj je prav častniški zbor tisti, ki je odgovoren za vodenje oboroženih sil. Znanstvene razprave o vojaški profesiji in profesionalnem častniku so se pojavile po koncu druge svetovne vojne z deli Samuela Huntingtona, Morissa Janowitza, Bengta Abrahamssona in drugih. Njihova razmišljanja so odsevala predvsem okoli- ščine v času hladne vojne, te pa so se s padcem berlinskega zidu v devetdesetih letih prejšnjega stoletja močno spremenile. Večina avtorjev tako ugotavlja, da je nujno preveriti in posodobiti koncepte vojaške profesije in vojaškega profesionalca. V članku poskušam odgovoriti na to, kaj danes pomenita pojma vojaška profesija in profesionalni častnik ter kako bi k razvoju vojaške profesije in profesionalnega častnika morali pristopiti v Slovenski vojski (SV). Civil society in democratic countries expects its armed forces to be professional. Therefore, the armed forces in those countries need to have a clear idea of what pro- fession of arms is. They should especially have a clear idea of what a professional officer is, since the officer corps is responsible for leading the armed forces. The subjects of profession of arms and professional officer were first scientifically discussed after the Second World War by authors such as Samuel Huntington, Morris Janowitz, Bengt Abrahamson and others. Their theories reflected the circumstances of the Cold War, which, however, significantly changed with the fall of the Berlin Wall in the 1990’s. Most of the authors today have thus identified the need for revising and updating the traditional concepts of the profession of arms and military professional. The article attempts an answer to what the terms profession of arms and professional officer mean today, and how the SAF should approach the development of military profession and professional officers.


Ministry Of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

Reference20 articles.

1. Abrahamsson, B., 1972. Military professionalization and political power. Sage Publications, Calif.

2. Britt, A. S., 2011. Offensive into Russia The Wars of Napoleon, v H100 Book of Readings, uredil Department of Military Histor, Fort Leavenworth, KS: Government Printing Office.

3. Bruneau, T. C., Tollefson, S. D., 2006. Who guards the guardians and how: democratic civil-military relations, 1st edn, Austin: University of Texas Press.

4. Cook, M. L., 2004. The moral warrior: ethics and service in the U.S. military. NY: State University of New York Press, Albany

5. Diltrice, T. M., 2011. Exploring the Professional Military Ethic, Foundation News, no. 10 (April).

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