


Povzetek V razpravah glede prihodnjega šolanja častnikov v Sloveniji je pomembno tudi preučevanje modelov v tujini in sodobnih problemov na tem področju. V prispevku so na kratko prikazani izzivi na področju temeljnega šolanja častnikov, predvsem z vidika razmerja med usposabljanjem za konkretne naloge in širše usmerjenim izobraževanjem. Kakovost izobraževanja je pomembna ne le za vojaško učinkovitost, temveč tudi za odnos vojske s civilnimi strukturami v državi in z mednarodnim okoljem. Prikazane so temeljne poteze šolanja častnikov v državah EU. Proces šolanja sestavljata dve medsebojno povezani komponenti: univerzitetno izobraževanje in poklicno usposabljanje. Sicer pa šolanje častnikov ostaja le pristojnost držav in v državah EU najdemo zelo različne modele. Temeljno šolanje častnikov v Sloveniji se glede glavnih sestavin ne razlikuje bistveno od prakse v večini držav EU, vendar bo v prihodnje treba odgovoriti na nekatera vprašanja, predvsem glede razvoja univerzitetnega izobraževanja. Prihodnji razvoj šolanja častnikov bo moral slediti praksi evropskih držav predvsem na vsebinskem področju. Način organiziranja pa je smiselno prilagoditi lastnim potrebam in zmožnostim. Ključne besede: vojaško izobraževanje in usposabljanje, vojaška profesija, šolanje častnikov, Evropska unija, vojska in družba. Abstract In the context of discussion about future officer education in Slovenia, it is also important to study the current educational models in foreign countries and the contemporary problems in this area. The article briefly depicts challenges of basic officer education mainly from the viewpoint of relations between specific-purpose training and more broadly oriented education. The quality of education is important not only for military efficiency but also for military’s relations with national civil structures and international environment. The article illustrates basic features of officer education in EU member states. Educational process consists of two interlinked parts: academic education and vocational training. Officer education is the sole responsibility of EU member states, and members practise very different models. Concerning its the essential parts, officer education in Slovenia does not differ significantly from that of most EU members. However, it will be necessary to address some open questions, primarily those concerning the academic part of education. The future development of officer education should follow the patterns emerging in European states, first of all regarding educational content. However, it makes sense to adapt its organisational characteristics to our own needs and abilities. Key words: Military education and training, military profession, European Union, officer education, military and society.


Ministry Of Defence - Slovenian Armed Forces


Anesthesiology and Pain Medicine

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