Representation of Bidirectional Ground Motions for Design Spectra in Building Codes


Stewart Jonathan P.1,Abrahamson Norman A.2,Atkinson Gail M.3,Baker Jack W.4,Boore David M.5,Bozorgnia Yousef6,Campbell Kenneth W.7,Comartin Craig D.8,Idriss I. M.9,Lew Marshall10,Mehrain Michael11,Moehle Jack P.12,Naeim Farzad13,Sabol Thomas A.14


1. University of California, Los Angeles, CA 90095

2. Pacific Gas and Electric Co., San Francisco, CA, 94177

3. University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B7

4. Stanford University, Stanford, CA, 94305

5. United States Geological Survey, Menlo Park, CA, 94025

6. Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center, Berkeley, CA, 94720

7. EQECAT, Inc., Beaverton, OR, 97006

8. CD Comartin, Inc., Stockton, CA 90015

9. Consulting Engineer, Sante Fe, NM, 87594

10. MACTEC Engineering and Consulting, Inc., Los Angeles, CA, 90040

11. URS Corp., Los Angeles, CA, 90017

12. University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720

13. John A. Martin and Associates, Los Angeles, CA, 90015

14. Englekirk and Sabol, Los Angeles, CA, 90018


The 2009 NEHRP Provisions modified the definition of horizontal ground motion from the geometric mean of spectral accelerations for two components to the peak response of a single lumped mass oscillator regardless of direction. These maximum-direction (MD) ground motions operate under the assumption that the dynamic properties of the structure (e.g., stiffness, strength) are identical in all directions. This assumption may be true for some in-plan symmetric structures, however, the response of most structures is dominated by modes of vibration along specific axes (e.g., longitudinal and transverse axes in a building), and often the dynamic properties (especially stiffness) along those axes are distinct. In order to achieve structural designs consistent with the collapse risk level given in the NEHRP documents, we argue that design spectra should be compatible with expected levels of ground motion along those principal response axes. The use of MD ground motions effectively assumes that the azimuth of maximum ground motion coincides with the directions of principal structural response. Because this is unlikely, design ground motions have lower probability of occurrence than intended, with significant societal costs. We recommend adjustments to make design ground motions compatible with target risk levels.


SAGE Publications


Geophysics,Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology







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