1. Althaus, P. (1966). The Theology of Martin Luther, trans by R.C. Schultz, Fortress Press, Pennsylvania.
2. Anselm of Canterbury, (1962). Saint Anselm: Basic Writing: Prosolgium; Monologion; Gaunilon's on Behalf of a fool; Cur Dues Homo, trans by S.N. Deane, Open Court, LaSalle.
3. Anselm of Canterbury (1967). Truth, Freedom and Evil: Three Philosophical Dialogues. Edited by J. Hopkins and H. Richardson, Harper Row, New York.
4. Anselm of Canterbury (1970). Trinity, Incarnation and Redemption: Theological Treatises. Edited by J. Hopkins and H. Richardson, Harper Row, New York.
5. Aristides, (1978) Apology. In A. Roberts and J. Donaldson (Eds). Ante-Nicene Fathers Vol. X, Eerdmans, Grand Rapids, 264-279.