1. Augustine (1979). City of God. In: Schaff, P (ed.): The Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Vol. II. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans:1-511.
2. Augustine (1979). Confessions. In: Schaff, P (ed.): The Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Vol. I. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans: 45-208.
3. Augustine (1979). Writings against the Manichaeans. In: Schaff, P (ed.): The Nicene and Post Nicene Fathers Vol. III. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans:41-368.
4. Augustine (n.d.) On the Nature Of Good. [Available online at http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1407.htm.] Accessed 14 November 2021.
5. Barth, K. (1957) . Church Dogmatics II.1: The Doctrine of God. (eds. Bromiley, GW and Torrance, TF). Edinburgh: T&T Clark.