1. Alberto D. Bolatto, John Carpenter, Simon Casassus, Daisuke Iono, Rob Ivison, Kelsey Johnson, Huib van Langevelde, Jesús Martín-Pintado, Munetake Momose, Raphael Moreno, Kentaro Motohara, Roberto Neri, Nagayoshi Ohashi, Tomoharu Oka, Rachel Osten, Richard Plambeck, Eva Schinnerer, Douglas Scott, Leonardo Testi, and Alwyn Wootten, “A Road Map For Developing ALMA: ASAC recommendations for ALMA 2030,” https://science.nrao.edu/facilities/alma/science_sustainability/RoadmapforDevelopingALMA.pdf
2. What are Scientifically Valuable Developments for ALMA Enhancement?;Iguchi,2014
3. Coherent Detector Arrays for Terahertz Astrophysics Applications
4. SuperCam: A 64 pixel SIS receiver array for submillimeter-wave astronomy;Walker,2015
5. Development of Superconducting Spectroscopic Array Receiver: A Multibeam 2SB SIS Receiver for Millimeter-Wave Radio Astronomy