The article is devoted to the development of a decision support system in a Purchase Tender. Such the system allows an institution that announced a Purchase Tender to estimate suppliers that have an interest in supply and can take part in such tender offering different conditions of purchase. The main method that is used to build a decision support system was chosen as the method of the analytic hierarchy process that was developed by T.L. Saaty based on construction pairwise comparisons matrices of suppliers and their features. Such matrices are constructed by experts and they need for coherent often. This method is modified in the direction of building coherent matrices of pairwise comparisons. It presents an approach to assessing the consistency of pairwise comparisons matrices based on the analysis of the transitivity of the graph that is constructed with the help of the matrix of pairwise comparisons. Besides, the paper proposes an approach to the evaluation of pairwise comparisons of suppliers and their features with the help of a group of experts that helped make the evaluation more accurate. Based on the developed modification of the analytic hierarchy process it built a software system for decision support, which is implemented in the C++ language. One of the areas of the system application is the analysis of decision-making problems in the field of public procurement to assess the companies-bidders for the construction of industrial facilities.
European Scientific Platform (Publications)
General Agricultural and Biological Sciences
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