Follicle selection in cattle and horses: role of intrafollicular factors


Beg M A,Ginther O J


The eminent event in follicle selection during a follicular wave in monovular species is diameter deviation, wherein one follicle continues to grow (developing dominant) and other follicles (subordinates) begin to regress. In cattle, the IGF system, oestradiol and LH receptors are involved in the intrafollicular events initiating deviation as indicated by the following: (1) concentrations of free IGF-I and oestradiol in the follicular fluid and number of LH receptors in the follicular wall increase more dramatically in the future dominant follicle than in the future subordinate follicles before the beginning of deviation and (2) ablation of the largest follicle (LF) or injection of recombinant human IGF (rhIGF)-I into the second LF at the expected beginning of deviation increases the concentrations of oestradiol in second LF before the expected beginning of deviation between second LF and third LF. In horses, an increase in free IGF-I, oestradiol, inhibin-A and activin-A is greater in the future dominant follicle than in other follicles before the beginning of deviation. However, free IGF-I is the only one of these four factors needed for the initiation of deviation in horses as indicated by the following: (1) ablation of LF at the expected beginning of deviation increases the concentrations of free IGF-I in second LF before the beginning of deviation between second LF and third LF but does not increase the other factors; (2) injection of rhIGF-I into second LF at the expected beginning of deviation causes second LF to continue to grow and become a codominant follicle and (3) injection of IGF-binding protein-3 into LF at the expected beginning of deviation causes LF to regress and second LF to become dominant. Thus, the dramatic changes in the IGF system in LF compared to other follicles before the beginning of deviation play a crucial role in the events that lead to the beginning of diameter deviation in both cattle and horses. Oestradiol and LH receptors also play a role in cattle. These intrafollicular events prepare the selected follicle for the decreasing availability of FSH and increasing availability of LH. The other follicles of the wave have the same future capability but do not have adequate time to attain a similar preparatory stage.




Cell Biology,Obstetrics and Gynaecology,Endocrinology,Embryology,Reproductive Medicine

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