Consumption peer effects and utility needs in India


Lewbel Arthur1,Norris Samuel2,Pendakur Krishna3,Qu Xi4


1. Department of Economics, Boston College

2. Department of Economics, University of British Columbia

3. Department of Economics, Simon Fraser University

4. Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University


We construct a peer effects model where mean expenditures of consumers in one's peer group affect utility through perceived consumption needs. We provide a novel method for obtaining identification in social interactions models like ours, using ordinary survey data, where very few members of each peer group are observed. We implement the model using standard household‐level consumer expenditure survey microdata from India. We find that each additional rupee spent by one's peers increases perceived needs, and thereby reduces one's utility, by the equivalent of a 0.25 rupee decrease in one's own expenditures. These peer costs may be larger for richer households, meaning transfers from rich to poor could improve even inequality‐neutral social welfare, by reducing peer consumption externalities. We show welfare gains of billions of dollars per year might be possible by replacing government transfers of private goods to households with providing public goods or services, to reduce peer effects.


The Econometric Society


Economics and Econometrics

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