Economic Security in Post-Soviet Countries: Level of Ensuring and Development Trends
Container-title:Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research
Kozachenko Ganna, ,Andrushchenko Igor,Pogorelov Yuriy,Gerasymenko Larysa,Romanovska Yuliia, , , ,
At the national level of economic security studies, a special place has alway s b e lon ged t o t he estimating side of the issue. Estimations of state economic security serve as input data for the determinat ion of directions and ways of further security provision. At the same time, such estimations should be considered not only as a result of a certain methodology application in a certain co un try b ut a lso i n t h e c o nte xt o f comparing the economic security estimations across a set of countries. The aim of the article is to determin e the level of ensuring economic security in post-Soviet countries and recognize patterns, ri sk s, a n d t h rea ts that affect the future development of state economic security. For comparative analysis of economic security, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Georgia, and period 2016-2020 have been selected. The methodological basis of the study included the followingmethods: comparative economic studies, methods of summation, arithmetic mean, weighted arithmetic, geometric mean, rating; international index systems we re used as a basis for comparative analysis. Using the suggested methodology of estimation allowed obta ini ng results that characterize level real economic security, is lower than average. None of the analyzed countri es has managed to maintain an acceptable level of economic security. The determined levels allow u s t o st a te that the economic systems of the analyzed post-Soviet countries demonstrat e h i gh p erc ep ti ve ne ss t o t h e actualization of various threats. And this perceptiveness, in its turn, leads to various negative changes in t h e economic systems of these countries. The high perceptiveness of the economic systems in the analyze d p o st-Soviet countries to the actualization of various threats can be explained by the c h an gin g q u ali ty o f t he ir economic potential, low levels of their innovativeness, and also the lack of proper condi ti ons t o a p ply t h e innovations
Pro Global Science Association
Management of Technology and Innovation,Marketing,Economics and Econometrics,Social Sciences (miscellaneous),Business and International Management
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