1. C. V. Mohan, “Seed Quality in Freshwater Fish Production,” in Assessment of Freshwater Fish Seed Resources for Sustainable Aquaculture, FAO Fisheries Technical Paper. No. 501, edited by M. G. Bondad-Reantaso (FAO, Rome, 2007), pp. 499–517.
2. The Research Council of Norway, “The fish larva: a transitional life form, the fofor aquaculture and fisheries,” in Report on research on early life stages of fish (The Research Council of Norway, St. Hanshaugen, 2009), p. 115.
3. E. Kamler, Early Life History of Fish: an energetics approach (Chapman and Hall, London, 1992), p. 267.
4. Embryonic and larval development of Thai Pangas (Pangasius sutchi Fowler, 1937)
5. Larval rearing of an Asian catfish (Siluroidei, Pangasiidae): Analysis of precocious mortality and proposition of appropriate treatments