1. Technological learning for resource efficient terawatt scale photovoltaics
2. A. Lennon, M. Lunardi, B. Hallam and P. R. Dias, The aluminium demand risk of terawatt photovoltaics for net zero emissions by 2050, Nature Sustainability (2022).
3. S. Glunz, B. Steinhauser, J.-I. Polzin, C. Luderer, B. Grübel, T. Niewelt, A. Okasha, M. Bories, H. Nagel, K. Krieg, F. Feldmann, A. Richter, M. Bivour and M. Hermle, Silicon-based passivating contacts: The TOPCon route, Progress in Photovoltaics, 1-19 (2021).
4. High-Efficiency Silicon Heterojunction Solar Cells: Materials, Devices and Applications
5. M. Bivour, C. Messmer, L. Tutsch, S. Pingel, E. Gervais, D. Erath, T. Hatt, J. Schube, K. Gensowski, M. Jahn, T. Rössler, A. Lorenz, J. Bartsch, S. Nold, A. Kraft, J. C. Goldschmidt, F. Clement and M. Hermle, Challenges and perspectives for the TCO and metal electrodes in perovskite-silicon tandem solar cells: Performance and scalability, Presentation at 10th Workshop on Metallization and Interconnection for Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells (2021).