1. G. Voorwinden, P. Jackson, and R. Kniese, in Proceedings of the 22th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Vol. II, edited by G. Willeke, H. Ossenbrink, and P. Helm (Milan, Italy, 2007), p. 2115.
2. M. Powalla, G. Voorwinden, B. Dimmler, in Proceedings of the 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, edited by H. A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, and H. Ehmann (Barcelona, Spain 1997), p. 1270.
3. Fe diffusion in polycrystalline Cu(In,Ga)Se2 layers for thin-film solar cells
4. Fast Diffusion in Germanium and Silicon Investigated by Lamp-Based Rapid Thermal Annealing
5. A universal ion-beam-sputtering device for diffusion studies