1. R. Glöckner, J.O. Odden, G. Halvorsen, R. Tronstad, and M.J. de Wild-Scholten, “Environmental life cycle assessment of the Elkem Solar metallurgical process route to solar grade silicon with focus on energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions”, in Silicon Chem. Sol. Ind. IX (Oslo, Norway, 2008).
2. M.J. de Wild-Scholten and R. Gløckner, “Environmental footprint of Elkem Solar Silicon®”, in Silicon Chem. Sol. Ind. XI (Bergen-Ulvik, Norway, 2012).
3. A.-K. Søiland, J.O. Odden, B. Sandberg, K. Friestad, J. Håkedal, E. Enebakk, and S. Braathen, “Solar silicon from a metallurgical route by Elkem Solar - A viable alternative to virgin polysilicon”, in CSSC-6 (Aix-Les- Bains, France, 2012).
4. Results on performance and ageing of solar modules based on Elkem Solar Silicon (ESS™) from installations at various locations
5. Compensation Engineering for Silicon Solar Cells