1. Undergraduate Education with the Rutgers 12-Inch Cyclotron
2. A.T. Issatov, R.K. Kabytayeva, and I.A. Ivanenko, 26th Russian Particle Accelerator Conference (2018).
3. T. Feder, ”Building a Cyclotron on a Shoe String”, Physics Today, 57, 11 (2004).
4. T.W. Koeth, D.E. Hoffman, J.E., Krutzler, T.S. Ponter, A.J. Rosenberg, and W.S. Schneider, Proceedings WEPPT024 Cyclotrons 2013, Vancouver Canada, September 2013.
5. R.F. Testing and Measurement, Koeth Cyclotron, http://koethcyclotron.org/?page_id=470,accessed on August 2022.