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2. www.physics.rutgers.edu/cyclotron.
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4. Koeth, T.W., Hine, G.A., Hoffman, D.E., Krutzler, J.E., Ponter, T.S., Rosenberg, A.J., Ruisard, K.J., Schneider, W.S., “Comparison of Azimuthally Varying with Constant Gradient Magnetic Fields with the Rutgers 12-Inch Cyclotron” http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/cyclotron/papers/AVF_study_Dec_31_2011.pdf, December 2011.
5. Koeth, T.W., “Theoretical Calculations and Measurements of the DEE Voltage in the Rutgers 12 Inch Cyclotron” http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/cyclotron/papers/12_inch_dee_voltage.pdf, December 2011.