1. Laboratory of Mechanics, Materials and Structures, Research and Postgraduate Training Unit for Physics and Applications, Postgraduate School of Science, Technology and Geosciences, Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Yaoundé 1, P.O. Box 812, Ngoa Ekelle, Yaoundé, Cameroon
2. Complex Systems and Theoretical Biology Group, Laboratory of Research on Advanced Materials and Nonlinear Science (LaRAMaNS), Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, University of Buéa, P. O. Box 63, Buéa, Cameroon
3. Sustainable Impact Platform, Adaptive Agronomy and Pest Ecology Cluster, International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), DAPO Box 7777-1301, Metro Manila, Philippines
4. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA), 08 BP 0932, Tri Postal Abomey Calavi, Cotonou, Benin