1. B. Kafle, B. S. Goraya, S. Mack, F. Feldmann, S. Nold and J. Rentsch, in 37th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition (Virtual, 2020), pp. 242–251.
2. Separating the two polarities of the POLO contacts of an 26.1%-efficient IBC solar cell
3. On the recombination behavior of p+-type polysilicon on oxide junctions deposited by different methods on textured and planar surfaces
4. R. Peibst, U. Römer, Y. Larionova, H. Schulte-Huxel, T. Ohrdes, M. Häberle, B. Lim, J. Krügener, D. Stichtenoth, T. Wütherich, C. Schöllhorn, J. Graff and R. Brendel, presented at the 2014 IEEE 40th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 2014 (unpublished).
5. Modeling recombination and contact resistance of poly‐Si junctions