1. A.P.Filin. Elements of shell theory. L.: Stroyizdat, Leningrad department, 1987, 384p.
2. I.I.Artobolevskiy, A.N.Bogolyubov, V.V.Bolotin. Volume 1. Oscillations of linear systems. (M.: Mechanical engineering 1978, 352 p.)
3. R.Clough, J.Penzien. Dynamics of structures. (M.: Stroyizdat, 1979, 320 p)
4. L.G.Loytsyansky, A.I.Lurie. Theoretical Mechanics Course.Part 2. L.(M.: OGIZ 1942, 580 p.)
5. S.V.Bespalko. Dissertation of tech. sciences: (05.22.07 / MIIT.M., 2000,) 427 p