1. A. N. Konavalov Numerical methods in dynamic problems of the theory of elasticity, (Sib. Mathematical journal, vol. 38, no. 3, Moscow, 1997), 551–568 pp.
2. B. E. Pobedrya On the problem of statics in stresses, (Bulletin of Moscow State University series. Mat. mech., No. 3, Moscow, 2003), 61–67 pp.
3. S. P. Timoshenko and D. J. Guder Theory of elasticity (Nauka, Moscow, 1975), 576 p.
4. T. O. Kholmatov About the methods for solving the problem in stresses (DAN USSR, vol. 1, no. 2, Moscow, 1980), 252 p., 315–317 pp.
5. A. B. Akhmedov Numerical solution of spatial problems of the theory of viscoelasticity in stresses. (Abstract of Ph.D. thesis, Tashkent, 1984), 12 p.