1. Spintronics: A Spin-Based Electronics Vision for the Future
2. C. J. Lin ,
S. H. Kang ,
Y. J. Wang ,
K. Lee ,
X. Zhu ,
W. C. Chen ,
X. Li ,
W. N. Hsu ,
Y. C. Kao ,
M. T. Liu ,
W. C. Chen ,
Y. Lin ,
M. Nowak ,
N. Yu , and
T. Luan , in Proceedings International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM) (2009), p. 279.
3. Programmable logic using giant-magnetoresistance and spin-dependent tunneling devices (invited)
4. Fabrication of a Nonvolatile Full Adder Based on Logic-in-Memory Architecture Using Magnetic Tunnel Junctions
5. S. Matsunaga ,
J. Hayakawa ,
S. Ikeda ,
K. Miura ,
T. Endoh ,
H. Ohno , and
T. Hanyu , in Proc. Des., Autom. Test Eur. Conf. (DATE) (2009), p. 433.