1. SiC power-switching devices-the second electronics revolution?
2. M. Slawinski, T. Villbusch, D. Heer, and M. Buschkühle, “Demonstration of superior SiC MOSFET module performance within a buck-boost conversion system,” in PCIM Europe 2016: International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy, and Energy Management, May (IEEE, 2016), IEEE pp. 1800–1807.
3. D. Heer, D. Domes, and D. Peters, “Switching performance of a 1200 V SiC-trench-MOSFET in a low-power module,” in PCIM Europe 2016: International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy, and Energy Management, May (IEEE, 2016), IEEE pp. 53–59.
4. M. Beier-möbius, “Breakdown of gate oxide of SiC-MOSFETs and Si-IGBTs under high temperature and high gate voltage,” in PCIM Europe 2016: International Exhibition and Conference for Power Electronics, Intelligent Motion, Renewable Energy, and Energy Management, May (IEEE, 2017), IEEE pp. 16–18.
5. Differential Variable Base Charge Pumping ($\Delta-\text{CP}$) for SiO2/SiC Interface Characterization