1. Progress in symmetric ICF capsule implosions and wire-arrayz-pinch source physics for double-pinch-driven hohlraums
2. T. W. L. Sanford, R. C. Mock, T. L. Gilliland, J. F. Seamen, R. J. Leeper, R. G. Watt, R. E. Chrien, G. C. Idzorek, D. L. Peterson, and P. U. Duselis , Proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Pulsed Power Conference, 2003 (unpublished), Vol. 2, p. 733.
3. Wire fixturing in high wire-number z pinches critical for high radiation power and reproducibility
4. D. J. Ampleford, C. A. Jennings, B. Jones, J. P. Chittenden, S. V. Lebedev, S. N. Bland, and S. C. Bott , Proceedings of the 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics of the American Physical Society, Orlando, FL, 12–16 November 2007 (unpublished).
5. Wire Initiation Critical for Radiation Symmetry inZ-Pinch–Driven Dynamic Hohlraums