1. A. J. Clippingdale, R. J. Prance, T. D. Clark, H. Prance, and T. P. Spiller, inSensors: Technology, Systems and Applications, edited K. T. V. Grattan (Hilger, Bristol, 1991), pp. 469–472.
2. Burr-Brown Integrated Circuits Data Book(Burr-Brown Corporation, Tucson, 1989), Vol. 33, p. 2.61.
3. P. Horowitz and W. Hill,The Art of Electronics(Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1989), p. 96–97.
4. A. Barna and D. I. Porat,Operational Amplifiers(Wiley, New York, 1989), p. 209.
5. R. Plonsey,Bioelectric Phenomena(McGraw-Hill, New York, 1969), pp. 302–303.