Temperature-dependent thermal conductivity of MBE-grown epitaxial SrSnO3 films


Zhang Chi1ORCID,Liu Fengdeng23ORCID,Guo Silu2ORCID,Zhang Yingying1ORCID,Xu Xiaotian1ORCID,Mkhoyan K. Andre2ORCID,Jalan Bharat2ORCID,Wang Xiaojia1ORCID


1. Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Minnesota 1 , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA

2. Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Minnesota 2 , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA

3. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Minnesota 3 , Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455, USA


As an ultrawide bandgap (∼4.1 eV) semiconductor, single crystalline SrSnO3 (SSO) has promising electrical properties for applications in power electronics and transparent conductors. The device performance can be limited by heat dissipation issues. However, a systematic study detailing its thermal transport properties remains elusive. This work studies the temperature-dependent thermal properties of a single crystalline SSO thin film prepared with hybrid molecular beam epitaxy. By combining time-domain thermoreflectance and Debye–Callaway modeling, physical insight into thermal transport mechanisms is provided. At room temperature, the 350-nm SSO film has a thermal conductivity of 4.4 W m−1 K−1, ∼60% lower than those of other perovskite oxides (SrTiO3, BaSnO3) with the same ABO3 structural formula. This difference is attributed to the low zone-boundary frequency of SSO, resulting from its distorted orthorhombic structure with tilted octahedra. At high temperatures, the thermal conductivity of SSO decreases with temperature following a ∼T−0.54 dependence, weaker than the typical T−1 trend dominated by the Umklapp scattering. This work not only reveals the fundamental mechanisms of thermal transport in single crystalline SSO but also sheds light on the thermal design and optimization of SSO-based electronic applications.


National Science Foundation

Air Force Office of Scientific Research


AIP Publishing


Physics and Astronomy (miscellaneous)








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