1. Memory mechanism in floating si-gate tunnel injection mis structure
2. Electrically alterable avalanche-injection-type MOS READ-ONLY memory with stacked-gate structure
3. A silicon nanocrystals based memory
4. R. Muralidhar, R. F. Steimle, M. Sadd, R. Rao, C. T. Swir, E. J. Prim, J. Yater, L. Grieve, K. Harher, B. Hradsky, S. Strauh, B. Acred, W. Paulson, W. Chen, L. Parker, S. G. H. Anderson, M. Rossow, T. Merchant, M. Paransky, T. Huynh, D. Hadad, K. O. Min Chang, and B. E. White, Jr., in IEEE ICICDT (2004), p. 31.
5. Developments in nanocrystal memory