1. S. G. Janssens , “
On a normalization technique for codimension two bifurcations of equilibria of delay differential equations,” Master's thesis (Utrecht University, NL, 2010), supervised by Y. A. Kuznetsov and O. Diekmann.
2. B. Wage , “
Normal form computations for delay differential equations in DDE-Biftool,” Master's thesis (Utrecht University, NL, 2014), supervised by Y. A. Kuznetsov.
3. M. M. Bosschaert , “
Switching from codimension 2 bifurcations of equilibria in delay differential equations,” Master's thesis (Utrecht University, NL, 2016), supervised by Y. A. Kuznetsov.
4. Resonance Phenomena in a Scalar Delay Differential Equation with Two State-Dependent Delays
5. J. Hale and
S. Verduyn Lunel , Introduction to Functional-Differential Equations, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 99 (
New York, 1993), pp. x+447.