1. Šiauliai University, Lithuania
The term visualization is defined as representation of images but this is only a brief explanation because the term encompasses all kinds of represented information in various forms of codes. Priority in information codes has shifted from verbal codes to visual codes. A computer screen has enabled an individual to see invisible and difficult objects and made cognitive and social processes easier. Visualization tools have the strongest position among other teaching/learning tools because of such features as complex 3D, spatial relationships, parameters of moving objects and comprehensible representation of images. Visualization takes into account schoolchildren’s perceptive and cognitive abilities including visual thinking and meta-cognition. The previous authors’ researches results enclosed that there were statisti-cally significant differences between two main categories that showed that boys more than girls used searches for visualization in the internet. According to this, there is a question – what has influenced this difference?
The aim is to find out boys’ opinion why they are searching for visualization more than girls.
The results enclose that the boys more frequently search for visualizations in the inter-net than girls. There were found out two main reasons that explained stated data. Search for visualization was used for learning purposes and for meeting their requirements. In firstly, boys want to have a deeper knowledge, also, they identify that visualization stimulates their cognitive processes and motivation too. Secondly, boys are noisy than girls during the lessons, they do not concentrate them selves to themes and mostly, often do not listen to the teacher. According to this, at home they feel lack of knowledge and want to compensate this by searching for visual information. Also, boys feel pleasure when they are searching in the inter-net.
Key words: science education, visualization, need.
Scientific Methodical Centre "Scientia Educologica"