1. Cancer Research UK Centre, Cancer Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, SO16 6YD Southampton, UK
2. Cancer Research UK Centre, Cancer Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, SO16 6YD Southampton, UK; Current address: Ploughshare Innovations Limited, Porton Science Park, Porton Down, SP4 0BF, UK
3. Biological Sciences, Faculty of Environmental and Life Sciences, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ Southampton, UK
4. Nextera AS, Gaustadalléen 21, NO-0349 Oslo, Norway
5. KG Jebsen Centre for B cell Malignancies, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, NO-0424 Oslo, Norway
6. Cancer Research UK Centre, Cancer Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Southampton, SO16 6YD Southampton, UK; Current address: Janssen R&D, 1400 McKean Road, Spring House, Ambler, PA 19477, USA