This chapter proceeds in interrelated steps. The first step introduces IPA as formulated by Martilla and James (1977) and introduces the description of IPA as action grid analysis (Blake et al., 1978). IPA is an analysis that is dependent on examination of an action grid or grids. Examination of the literature shows IPA is not one analysis approach but many. Five types are identified. The main vehicle for examining IPA validity issues is the discussion of hypothetical applications of IPA for three types of IPA, in the context of tourism. A section is devoted to IPA responses. Comments give insights on the need for a new response structure, what the distribution of responses can imply, responses as triggers for questions and computing importance rather than requesting an importance rating. To put structural problems with models implicit in using IPA and to put chance impacting IPA results in perspective, the chapter has a section on statistical variability risk and model structure risk. A short section is about this chapter's relation to the IPA literature. The chapter concludes with comments on both practical and research implications of the research.