1. United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Richard B. Russell Agricultural Research Center, Athens, Georgia 30613
Fifty-two freshly processed broiler carcasses were examined for the presence of Salmonella by using a rinse method. Three selective plating media (bismuth sulfite, brilliant green sulfa and Hektoen enteric) were compared. After 24 h of incubation, typical colonies were picked from each selective plate. An 8-h procedure to biochemically characterize (Micro ID) and serologically (poly O and poly H) confirm Salmonella was then compared with a conventional procedure. Suspect Salmonella isolates were correctly classified from 63% of the carcasses with both the 8-h and conventional procedures. Of the 244 isolates confirmed to be Salmonella by conventional testing, 236 (97%) were also confirmed by the 8-h procedure. Brilliant green sulfa and Hektoen enteric agar were superior to bismuth sulfite agar for Salmonella recovery. The 8-h procedure required less incubation time (8 h vs. 48 h) after colony formation, less incubation space, and less media preparation and cleanup than the conventional procedure.
International Association for Food Protection
Microbiology,Food Science
Cited by
6 articles.