Serbian Folk Lullabies in Preschools: Significance and Representation


Ilić Petar1,Kovač Anđelka2,Pavlović Biljana3


1. University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica

2. School of Primary Music Education Eastern Ilidža, East Sarajevo

3. University of Priština in Kosovska Mitrovica Teacher Education Faculty


This paper discusses the importance of traditional folk lullabies in the education of preschool children and their representation in music education literature and practice. Scientific research indicates the development potential and importance of folk lullabies in early childhood. Serbian folk lullabies are not sufficiently represented in preschool education in central Serbia and Kosovo and Metohija, which is the starting hypothesis of the research presented in this paper. This research aims to determine the extent to which Serbian folk lullabies, as music content, are used in preschool education in central Serbia and Kosovo, and Metohija. The research included a total of 692 participants – preschool teachers and parents. It was found: 1) that Serbian folk lullabies are insufficiently represented in music education literature for preschool age; 2) that preschool teachers and parents are not sufficiently informed about the educational benefit and importance of folk lullabies. The paper contributes to the actualization of Serbian traditional folk lullabies, and their greater representation in music education literature and practice. The descriptive method was used in the research, as well as the analysis and synthesis method.


University of Tuzla


General Medicine

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