Kurtuma Gorica,Tulumović Ševala,Begić Hurma
The educational integration of blind and visually impaired children has proven to be an
upward trajectory in the process of upbringing, education, acquisition of knowledge and
competencies in children with visual impairment. In addition to the benefits for the child's
intellectual development, the integration process is of great importance in the social context.
The education system has changed over time, both for visually impaired students and for their
without visual impairment peers. Modern approaches and methods in the process of
upbringing and education have made many means for work and learning for children who are
blind and visually impaired inaccessible. We strive to adapt the environment for children with
disabilities in order to fully include them and give them the opportunity to follow the most
modern methods and use modern teaching aids in the process of upbringing and education.
Key words: modern approaches, modern methods, integration, blind, visually impaired
Reference60 articles.
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