Salkić Adelisa,Nikolić Milena
Perceptual-motor skills (PMS) are very important for the functioning of children in general,
including children with developmental disabilities, and enable a person to, based on the
stimulus through movement it acts on the space that is surrounded. This paper aims to review
the research of enriched knowledge of PMS of children with disabilities, which emphasized
the importance of performing activities of everyday life and the acquisition of academic
skills. The papers collected a search of electronic databases using the keywords: PMS,
children with disabilities, visual perception, gross and fine motor skills, visual-motor
coordination, visual-motor integration. Criteria for the selection of papers have been
published in full and in the last 10 years. A total of 12 works met the criteria. The results of
the research review showed that children with disabilities have a limitation in PMS, and
showed that PMS differ separately from the type and degree of difficulty, but differences also
exist within the same category of children with disabilities. Implementation of education and
rehabilitation programs improves PMS. The results showed that there is a correlation between
PMS and activities of everyday life and a correlation between visual perceptions and the
acquisition of reading skills. It is important to point out that PMS can be practiced and it is
important to implement incentive programs for children with disabilities, but also children at
risk for some difficulty, to prevent possible difficulties that children may have in performing
daily life activities and in acquiring academic skills. The results of the presented research
should be considered concerning the limitations of the presented research, but also to the
limitations of this research.
Keywords: visual-motor integration, fine and gross motor skills, developmental difficulties
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