The study examines the heating profile of hot solar transition region loops, particularly focusing on transient brightenings observed in IRIS 1400 Å slit-jaw images. The findings challenge the adequacy of simplistic, singular heating mechanisms, revealing that the heating is temporally impulsive and requires a spatially complex profile with multiple heating scales. A forward-modeling code is utilized to generate synthetic Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) emission spectra of these loops based on HYDRAD model output, confirming that emitting ions are out of equilibrium. The modeling further indicates that density-dependent dielectronic recombination rates must be included to reproduce the observed line ratios. Collectively, this evidence substantiates that the loops are subject to impulsive heating and that the components of the transiently brightened plasma are driven far from thermal equilibrium. Heating events such as these are ubiquitous in the transition region, and the analysis described above provides a robust observational diagnostic tool for characterizing the plasma.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Science Foundation
American Astronomical Society