Updated Observing Scenarios and Multimessenger Implications for the International Gravitational-wave Networks O4 and O5


Kiendrebeogo R. WeizmannORCID,Farah Amanda M.ORCID,Foley Emily M.ORCID,Gray AbigailORCID,Kunert NinaORCID,Puecher AnnaORCID,Toivonen AndrewORCID,VandenBerg R. OliverORCID,Anand ShreyaORCID,Ahumada TomásORCID,Karambelkar VirajORCID,Coughlin Michael W.ORCID,Dietrich TimORCID,Kam S. ZacharieORCID,Pang Peter T. H.ORCID,Singer Leo P.ORCID,Sravan Niharika


Abstract An advanced LIGO and Virgo’s third observing run brought another binary neutron star merger (BNS) and the first neutron-star black hole mergers. While no confirmed kilonovae were identified in conjunction with any of these events, continued improvements of analyses surrounding GW170817 allow us to project constraints on the Hubble Constant (H 0), the Galactic enrichment from r-process nucleosynthesis, and ultra-dense matter possible from forthcoming events. Here, we describe the expected constraints based on the latest expected event rates from the international gravitational-wave network and analyses of GW170817. We show the expected detection rate of gravitational waves and their counterparts, as well as how sensitive potential constraints are to the observed numbers of counterparts. We intend this analysis as support for the community when creating scientifically driven electromagnetic follow-up proposals. During the next observing run O4, we predict an annual detection rate of electromagnetic counterparts from BNS of 0.43 0.26 + 0.58 ( 1.97 1.2 + 2.68 ) for the Zwicky Transient Facility (Rubin Observatory).


Heising-Simons Foundation

Armenian National Science and Education Fund


American Astronomical Society


Space and Planetary Science,Astronomy and Astrophysics








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