The evaluation of faculty development programs in the United States. A fifty-year retrospective (1970s-2020)


Sorcinelli Mary Deane


This article provides a chronological review of models and studies on the evaluation of faculty development programs in the United States. The article is organized by decades, from the pre-1970s to 2020. The scope of the review, by design, is limited to a sampling of influential work, both classic and recent literature. An emergent theme from the review is that we now have robust models, criteria, and examples of how to better assess the quality, outcomes, and impact of faculty development programs. At the same time, what often is lacking are staff, time, skills, or resources to do so. This gap serves to highlight important questions for future research and practice.


Franco Angeli


General Medicine

Reference44 articles.

1. Allen, D., McPherson, M.S., Nilson, L.B., & Sorcinelli, M.D. (2019). ACUE student, faculty, and institutional impact research: Independent review process and findings. Association of College and University Educators. Retrieved from

2. Bass, R., Eyon, B., & Gambino, L.M. (2019). The new learning compact: A framework for professional learning and educational change (Every Learner Everywhere). Retrieved from

3. Beach, A., Sorcinelli, M.D., Austin, A., & Rivard, J. (2016). Faculty development in the age of evidence: Current practices, future imperatives. Sterling, VA: Stylus Publishing.

4. Bergquist, W.H., & Phillips, S.R. (1975). Components of an effective faculty development program. Journal of Higher Education, 46(2), 177-215.

5. Blackburn, R.T. (1980). Project for faculty development program evaluation: Final report. ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 208 767. Ann Arbor, MI: Center for the Study of Higher Education: Michigan University.

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