A general wood anatomical description of the Theaceae is given on the basis of a previous study of species from China (Deng ' Baas 1990) and additional observations on genera and species outside China. The wood anatomy of Archboldiodendron, Balthasaria, Ficalhoa, Franklinia, Freziera, and Visnea are described separately. Although the Theaceae in the delimitation followed here (Table 1) are wood anatomically relatively homogeneous, the recognition of three subfamilies Camellioideae, Ternstroemioideae and Sladenioideae is supported by anatomical features (vessel grouping, bar number, type of vessel-ray pits, intervessel pit arrangement; cf. Table 4). The controversial position of Ficalhoa is discussed; its wood anatomy closely resembles that of the Camellioideae.
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