1. Envisioning the Future of Youth Justice: A Focus Group Study with Youth, Family, Frontline Staff, and Subject Experts;2024
2. Penal Reform or Penal Abolition in the Caribbean;The Palgrave Handbook of Caribbean Criminology;2024
3. Criminal Legalities and Minorities in the Global South: rights and Resistance in a Decolonial World, edited by George B. Radics and Pablo Ciocchini, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, xvi + 299 pp., $129.99 (hardcover), ISBN 978-3-031-17917-4, $99 (ebook), ISBN 978-3-031-17918-1
Criminal Legalities and Minorities in the Global South: Rights and Resistance in a Decolonial World
, edited by George B.Radics and PabloCiocchini, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, xvi + 299 pp., $129.99 (hardcover), ISBN 978-3-031-17917-4, $99 (ebook), ISBN 978-3-031-17918-1;Legal Pluralism and Critical Social Analysis;2023-07-27
4. The politics of words: A survey experiment on “defund the police”;The Social Science Journal;2023-06-12
5. Eco-Miserabilism and Radical Hope: On the Utopian Vision of Post-Apocalyptic Environmentalism;American Political Science Review;2023-04-18