1. 1. Reisner R Slobogin C. Law and the Mental Health System. 2nd ed. St. Paul. Minn: West Pub; 1990.
2. 2. Malcolm JG. Treatment Choices and Informed Consent: Current Controversies in Psychiatric Malpractice Litigation. Springfield 111: CC Thomas; 1988.
3. 3. Slovenko R. Malpractice in psychiatry and related fields. The Journal of Psychiatry & Laut 1981; 9:5-63.
4. 4. Hood v Phillips 537 SW2d 291 (Tex Ct App 1976) aff'd Hood v Phillips 554 SW2d 160 (Tex 1977).
5. 5. Leach v Bralliar 275 F Supp 897 (D Ariz 1967).