In northeastern Saskatchewan on Gray Luvisolic soils, rapeseed (Brassica napus L. and B. campestris L.) grown on many fields does not set seed, possibly because of deficiencies of S and B. Therefore, experiments were begun in 1979 to determine (1) the effect of N, S and B fertilizers on yield and quality of rapeseed; (2) if cultivars (B. napus and B. campestris L.) responded differently to these nutrients; and (3) nutrient and nutrient interaction effects of five rates of N, S and B in a composite rotatable design on yield and quality of the cultivar Regent (B. napus L.). Rates of up to 200 kg N ha−1, 50 kg S ha−1 and 2.8 kg B ha−1 were applied. The experiments were conducted on 13 sites. Nine were in N.E. Saskatchewan on Sylvania f1, Waitville 1 (Luvisolic) and Melfort sicl (Black Chernozemic) soils. Four were in N.W. Saskatchewan on Loon River 1 and Waitville 1, (Luvisolic) soils. In N.W. Saskatchewan there was a significant yield increase because of N (1.00 t ha−1) and S (1.06 t ha−1). In N.E. Saskatchewan on Sylvania f1, rapeseed yields were increased by 0.38 t ha−1 by a combination of S and B and by 0.78 t ha−1 by N. Sylvania f1 soils were lower in soluble B than other experimental sites. At other sites in N.E. Saskatchewan, N but not S increased rapeseed grain yield significantly. Significant response to a combination of S and B was obtained with the cultivar Regent, and both species of rapeseed responded to S fertilizer. Sulphur fertilizer increased the glucosinolate concentration in rapeseed meal at all sites. Sulphur increased oil concentration of rapeseed on all sites except one where frost damaged the crop and increased protein of grain on sites where there was yield response to S. Nitrogen increased protein of rapeseed grown on all sites whereas N combined with B decreased protein and increased oil percentage on all sites except Sylvania f1. The yield response of the cultivar Regent to B was not significantly related to soluble soil B. The combined yield response to S and B in relation to soluble soil S and B was significant (R2 = 0.60). Yield response of rapeseed to S was significantly related to soluble soil S (R2 = 0.35). In conclusion, S fertilizer solved the problem of poor seed set in rapeseed cultivars, but B also enhanced yield by decreasing the number of sterile florets and improving pod development. Key words: Nitrogen, sulphur, boron, rapeseed, oil, protein, glucosinolates
Canadian Science Publishing
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53 articles.