Pulp and paper mill by-products as soil amendments and plant nutrient sources


Camberato J J,Gagnon B.,Angers D A,Chantigny M H,Pan W L


Pulp and paper mill sludges are produced from primary and secondary treatment of wastes derived from virgin wood fiber sources, recycled paper products, and non-wood fibers. Sludges and sludge composts may be utilized in agriculture to increase soil organic matter, improve soil physical properties, provide nutrients, and increase soil pH. Positive effects of primary, deinking, and low-nutrient combined sludges on soil quality are primarily due to increased soil organic matter, aggregation, water holding capacity, infiltration rate, and cation exchange capacity. Nitrogen and P immobilization are often induced by primary and deinking sludges, but can be overcome by delayed planting, adding N and P, planting of legumes, or composting. Improved crop production obtained with secondary treatment sludges is most often attributable to enhanced nutrient availability, particularly N, but improved soil physical properties are implicated in some studies. Pulp and paper mill sludges and sludge composts are useful soil amendments and plant nutrient sources. Key words: Paper mill sludge, soil physical properties, N and P immobilization, nutrient efficiency, land application


Canadian Science Publishing


Soil Science

Reference2 articles.








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